During the spring project, Amrita (Bronx Writing Academy teacher) and I asked the group of 6 grade students to write a few lines after each session summarizing what they have done, how they felt and what they think on that day.
Here are a few excerpt form the notebooks.

Today we were building the frame. I learned how to measure the center [on the piece of wood we used to build the frame]. I drew a X on the wood, the center of the X is the center. I like how we made the legs of the machine [frame], this will make it stand up. Sebastian

We are building a sort of table to grow the plants in hydroponics. One thing I liked is that we build
stuff to grow plants like flowers and roses, and strawberry. Ismael 

I lined up with the X with a and d so the screw can go in it [a and d were 2 piece of the frame for the system, the X was to mark the center of the piece of wood]. I also drilled a hole. Jarik

The thing I like about today is building because using lots of force and you are using lots of strength you will get tired but also strong. Abraham

 Today, we learned how a man planted in the streets of LA. [the man is Ron Finley, who started a movement to use the sidewalk to grow food in LA]Sebastian

Today I learned how the system worked. I helped put the tubes. We planted our food. Sebastian

I learned about how plants grow, I also learned how to measure the watering tower. I liked seeing the water make the plants grow. Corey

I learned that soil is worm poop. I also see that with water [we can] grow lots of plants. I and [the class] also created a growing system. Franklyn 

I learned that if soils goes though the pipes, the it gets dirty. Also I like helping make something for everyone.  Nichalos

Something I like today as I went to the roof. [the system was installed temporarily on a protected part of the school roof]. And I also learned how to plant different plants in ways I never imagined. Abraham

We learned how a worm can interact [with the plants growing in the soil, or in our hydroponic system]. I likes making them a home. I helped make food for the worms. Sebastian

What i liked today was drill [holes in the worm bin]. I learned about worms and how the live. What I like as holding the worms. Corey

I want the feel the worm again. I learned that there are things inside the worms, like blood. I like how [the worm] tickled me. Franklyn

Today I learned that worms dont like the light. I like looking for the worms. Stiven

I draw worms and cocoons. I learned that [some animals] can breath without a nose. Tyrone

I learned that ammonia is in urine. I liked that there is 2 separate bacteria that transforms ammonia into plant food. I want to to the experiment with the colored chemicals [ammonia, nitrite and nitrate colorimetric tests]. Elizabeth 

I learned about chemical formula. I like chemistry about the substances [that feed the plants]. Franklyn

I learned that ammonia is toxic to the fish, meaning it can kill it. Ammonia is something that you produce. I liked to learn about the nitrification. Nichalos

Earth day, special Guest JT Bear (aquaponic practitioner) :

You can do the 3 Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle)
Factories and littering is hurting the earth
We recycled / reused the [soy sauce] buckets for the system.
I was proud to show him my future job. We use a complex system to grow plants. Sebastian

It helps to speak out opinions about the environment / pollution. Elizabeth

 What we could do the preserve the earth is stop littering and [release] too much carbon [dioxide].  Whats destroying the earth is pollution in factory. We make hydroponic system and grow plants. The hydroponic system is how to grow plants out of recycled things. I am proud I told JT about the hydroponic system. Corey M.

We plant plants or trees to produce O2 and soil. Franklyn

One thing I can do the preserve the earth is to make more plants. To help people eat healthy by making more plants using a hydroponic system that provides water and nutients to the plants [from composted food waste]. Abraham

I liked doing the experiment with the vegetables. I learned how to measure plants. Ismael.

I measure how long the plants grew. I liked seeing the salt turn into liquid [on that day we did an experiment where we put salt in the center of a fresh potato and compared it to a cooked potato, to show how osmosis happens only if the vegetable is alive]. I want to do this again, and learn about the inside parts of the carrots.  Franklyn

The last 3 meeting of the group of students was dedicated preparing the wow. We did not take the time to write in the notebooks.

After the Wow, A local restaurant kindly accepted to "oversummer" the system, with the new school year starting, we will continue the program at the Bronx Writing Academy.

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