The amount of feral Tomatoes that pop up everywhere (due to the worm castings that we use to fertilise new plants & seeds)  has forced me to sow out a few small trays just to make certain that what pops up are plants we want... 2 indeterminate varieties, "Amish Paste" & "Mortgage Lifter", will be going in Bed #2 once they shoot they will trained on a single wire that is connected to the brace on the shade frame... The other tray is "Panama Red" Passion Fruit... The vine on the back stairs needs to come down so we can paint it so these shall be planted on a frame next to the new shed when it goes in & next to the chook shed....

I also re-sowed the Carrot bed (Bed #6)  after a very poor showing from the last lot of "All Season" Carrots.... We only had 4 shoot from the lot planted about a month ago.... I went with a different variety this time, "Nantes 2"....
Yesterday I ordered 2 more lots of Carrots along with heaps of others from Eden Seeds.... Would post what I bought but have lost my list amongst the Girls school work.....

When mowing beside the garden on Sunday I came across these 2 self sown Pumpkins.... No idea how they got there ??!??!?!?!?
All the Kent seeds I planted last week have sprouted so hopefully we will get some this year.. They were planted at the sides of the beds so they can grow over the edge & not take up to much room in the beds themselves....

This Sugarloaf is a bit of an experiment.... We were leaving the stalks of harvested plants in the beds & picking the leaves for the Chooks.... It has now got about 6 little heads on it with 2 being big enough for a meal.... Took about as long as the main Cabbage for them to come on so not to certain if it is worth doing with every crop...

Last night the Chooks decided that they would throw a tanty over a mouse that had been caught in a "Humane" trap in their Pen... Its little feet on the tin was disturbing their slumber apparently.... When Moo went down to remove the cage she stumbled upon this little fella..... He was promptly removed away from the ever ravenous  Cooks & moved to B?s  Comfrey.... Its next to one of the filling pipes where a lot of frogs like to hang out....   

Have a Great one All !!!!

: )»

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