Its a tad wet to do much out the back so shall blog instead....
Spent most of Saturday getting some Wicking Barrels ready for the Zingiberaceaes....

We kept a few sets from our Galangal that got harvested on Saturday, bought some sets of Giant Ginger & Turmeric from Green Harvest plus had 2 sets of Turmeric we kept from our last crop...

2 barrels were cut in ½ & turned into "Wicking" Barrels... They also had some additional drainage holes about 17cm from the base to prevent water logging from heavy downpours.. We reclaimed about ½ a meter from the Chooks Mango yard for the barrels so they will get moderate shade from the soon to be covered framework....
                                                             (A home for them at last !!!)
Under each rhizome we put a good handful of composting worms & their castings as we do with all seeds & seedlings.... Makes for a happy start in life me thinks...

With the Galangal out of the old Spice bed it was emptied to get ready for moving into a better position...
It was the first Wicking bed we made & I was never really happy with it... There was no overflow pipe to show when it was full, the liner was cut off far to low which allowed easy access for the roots of the Chinese Elm next door to gain access to the reservoir & only had about 7cm of sand in the reservoir..... I am glad we learnt from the mistakes of this & the Ginger bed.. The Mistakes became evident quickly and future beds were constructed with higher liners, deeper reservoirs, drainage pipes & larger diameter slotted Agg pipe which was covered with weed mat to stop the the pipe from clogging up....
  That is about it for actual work in the garden......

Just a few update pictures.......

Bed #2 has come along well... Should have Snow Peas & Beans by the end of the week & the Broccoli has small heads forming now......  
: )»

The Golden Nugget Pumpkins have made an appearance & it looks like we should get a few healthy plants....
Moos Wombok is coming along well but I dont think she has checked on them for a few weeks so I may just have to officially adopt them....
The Carrots are doing great but we have a slight concern that we may have over fertilised the bed.. Will just have to wait & see....
The Lemon tree bursting with new buds & baby fruits....Will be a better crop than the last me thinks....

Thats about it for now.....
Have a great one all...
: )»

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