We have been discussing the use of words to bind and twist, and the tangling of legalities knotted into the very meanings of the words we use daily.  Without realizing it, we use the very words that they ("they") have warped, not knowing that they no longer mean what we thought- what we were taught they meant.

The words "Organic" and "Natural" are prime examples of words that no longer have any meaning when used to advertise products.  I wrote this article for Our Gaias Garden, to express WHY  it is so important that I personally observe and verify every ingredient we will be using  in our products, and the processing of those ingredients.  So that I can give MY "certification", which is the only certification that I fully trust.

love d

The Truth About "Organic" And "Certification"

Words Are Used To Deliberately Mislead, And The Agencies Who Supposedly Are In Charge Of Insuring That Products Are Safe, Are Controlled By The Corporations They Purported Are Monitoring.... 

It is a sad state of affairs when a person can no longer trust any government agency to give them the truth about what is "safe" in any products that we are spending our money on  for our families.

The unfortunate truth is that ALL of the so called government(s) watch dog agencies are doing nothing to protect our families from the corruption that is rampant in the "Organic"  and "Healthy Lifestyle" companies.   Sadder yet is the fact that not only are these purported "safety agencies" NOT enforcing truth in the labeling of all the products that we thought were "healthy" or "good" for us, these same agencies are some of the very bullyboys who have forced truly "Organic" companies to bow to their pressure and deliberately pollute their products with GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), and chemicals. They have led the way to deliberately change the meanings of certain words used in advertising, such as:

"Organic"  & "Pure"

The FDA is a prime example of how language in labeling has been severely warped, and has led the way for lawyers to set precedents in court rooms that has now giving the green light for any company to use these words when in fact their products are not "Organic" nor "Pure".

There is currently a major battle going on in the USA in this arena.  Lobbyists for mega corporations like Monsanto (and their front companies) are paying huge sums of money to convince Congress to NOT force companies to label products that contain GMOs as having.... GMOs!   And when major players in the FDA are former Monsanto executives.... is that not a conflict of interest?

According to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), its responsibilities include “[p]rotecting the public health by assuring that foods are safe, wholesome, sanitary and properly labeled.”  This responsibility entails regulating a large number of companies producing the nation’s food, making appointments to the high-level positions within the agency very important.

    "Over the past decades, at least 7 high-ranking employees in the FDA were employed with Monsanto."

Most high-level FDA employees have a background in either medicine or law, but one of the largest private-sector sources is the Monsanto Company. Over the past decades, at least seven high-ranking employees in the FDA have an employment history with the Monsanto Company.


Monsanto Controls both the White House and the US Congress


The FDA has recently pushed through legislation to allow companies to use the word "Organic" even if the product contains GMOs.   This has directly created a legal loophole for companies to put the word "Organic" on their labels, even when the product is not even remotely organic.  The same legal precedents have been set with descriptive words such as "Pure" and "Fresh" and "Natural".

I personally went toe to toe with an advertising executive from a very well known "Natural" products manufacturer, when I discovered that "Pure Aloe Vera", did NOT mean that the product contained PURE ALOE VERA.  His response ?  "Well.... the aloe vera in our products is pure, its not fake, so therefore we can advertise it as "Pure"."      Now, just about every beauty and skin care product, and even "health" food products can have the words "Natural", and "Pure", and "Fresh", and yes, even "Organic" on their labels, knowing that they now have the legal ability to twist the meanings of those words.

We now live in a consumer environment where it is up to us to investigate everything ourselves.   If you really want to know what is in your shampoo, your skin cream or even your baby wash, I highly suggest you spend some time reviewing the "Skin Deep Database".  This data base is an excellent tool to decipher whats on your labels, what is actually IN your products and the information about the side effects, risks, and toxic background on every single ingredient.

Continue Reading on Our Gaias Gardens HERE

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