Last weekend we spent our Sunday at the Albany Arts and Green Festival. Blessed with beautiful weather and a large crowd, we sold almost all our local organic honey, as well as many of the products from our Handcrafted Herbalim CSA.
Fire Cider, Herbal Body Cream, Gardeners Salve, Eucalyptus Lavender Salt scrub for sale |
Both our honey and the model Warre hive we set up drew plenty of attention. It was a blast talking about bees with other beekeepers and hearing about many of the local apiaries in the area. The best part of the festival was networking with so many interesting, like minded people. Of course taking home peach, apricot, and cherry trees, comfrey, globe artichokes, mugwort, and a few more starts for the garden was pretty great too. Hurrah for the Green Festival!