The story of , now 8, doctor deaths in the south eastern US has rocked social media recently. A very large finger is being pointed at the fact that this is NOT a "coincidence".  The vast majority of people re-posting these stories on facebook etc, are focused on the autism angle, but there is, I suspect, SOOOO much MORE.

"Autism" is the "go to" reason that many people refuse vaccines for their children, and the main focus of a vast majority of the outspoken families trying to wake the world up to the dangers of vaccines.  But Autism is just one single piece of this puzzle and many of the other pieces are way bigger in scope.

I am not going to get into  the finer details on this right now.  I have been writing about the dangers of vaccines for many years, and as I have said several times, autism is just the tip of the iceberg.  We are talking about the introduction of several forms of cancer,  HIV/AIDs, Sterilizing/ antifertility drugs, and yes, mind numbing agents, that dull the basic ability of people to even organize their thoughts.

.... and that is without even looking at the nanotechnology being inserted into various vaccines, and the effects of nanites on on our physical bodies and mental capabilities...

I am going to be digging into the Nagalase factor hopefully later next week when I have some time to really do some research, but I wanted to publish this info now as the basic first step into understanding exactly WHY these doctors are being murdered.

Below are 3 articles on the subject, all three give a good jump start into figuring out whats happening and why.   The simple truth is that the more we know about this and the more we spread the awareness of this in the public, then people will perhaps realize that there is a lot more going on than the media would have us know , and that its rather dark and oppressive.


Edited 07/25 at 12:26BDT to add:

Another article to add, that really blows up a LOT of warning signals for me. When you start talking about Vitamin D, there is a whole new door that opens in this massive puzzle.   Now we are talking about Sunlight.  ..... Do you see the connecting dots now?   I wrote an article a long while ago about Neuromelanin, and melatonin, which has just dropped me into another rabbit hole....  I"m researching.....

....until I surface again, here is  the article I wanted to add:


Is this the real reason Holistic Doctors are being killed and vanishing?

Human GcMAF, otherwise known as Vitamin D binding protein macrophage activating factor, holds great promise in the treatment of various illnesses including cancer, autism, chronic fatigue and possibly Parkinson’s. Since 1990, 59 research papers have been published on GcMAF, 20 of these pertaining to the treatment of cancer. 46 of these papers can be accessed through the GcMAF web site.
GcMAF is a vital part of our immune system which does not work without it; and is part of our blood. GcMAF stimulates the macrophage element of the immune system to destroy cancer cells. It also blocks the supply of nutrients to cancer cells by stopping blood vessel development to the site (anti-angiogenesis). Cancer cells are weakened and starved, making them more vulnerable to attack by the GcMAF stimulated macrophage system. Research has shown macrophage activation and stopping diseased blood vessel development can also help in various neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory conditions, and diabetic retinopathy…
…In the past months Dr. Bradstreet has become interested in nagalese (also spelled nagalase in this document), which he describes as an enzyme “produced by cancer cells and viruses.” He thinks it unlikely that children with autism have undiagnosed cancers, and thus suspicion falls on a viral etiology. Dr. Bradstreet writes, “Viruses make the nagalese enzyme as part of their attachment proteins. It serves to get the virus into the cell and also decreases the body’s immune reaction to the virus-thereby increasing the odds of viral survival.”

2 more MD’s (1 prominent holistic, & one of missing docs) found dead, bringing the total to 8


Explosive: Is This The Real Reason Holistic Doctors Are Being Killed And Vanishing?

In recent news, we’ve seen the mysterious deaths disappearances of numerous alternative and holistic physicians and a recent video may explain why.
According to the video researcher, GcMAF is a naturally occurring process in the human body. It starts off as a Gc protein. The Gc protein in an absolutely healthy human being will create its own, natural Gc Macrophage Activating Factor (GcMAF) to help protect the human immune system.
What is being found by these doctors is that something is being introduced into the human body that is called Nagalase. This Nagalase protein is this:
Nagalase is a protein made by all cancer cells and viruses (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, and others).
Nagalase causes immunodeficiency. Nagalase blocks production of GcMAF, thus preventing the immune system from doing its job.
There is something that is being introduced into the human body that is causing this Nagalase to block the naturally occurring production of GcMAF.
Nagalase precision
Like a stealth bomber, the Nagalase enzyme synthesized in and released from a cancer cell or a virus particle pinpoints the GcMAF production facilities on the surface of your T and B lymphocytes and then wipes them out with an incredibly precise bomb. How precise? Let me put it this way: Nagalase locates and attacks one specific two-electron bond located at, and only at, the 420th amino acid position on a huge protein molecule (DBP), one of tens of thousands of proteins, each containing millions of electrons. This is like selectively taking out a park bench in a major city from six thousand miles away. More astonishing, if that is possible, Nagalase never misses its target. There is no collateral damage.
What Dr. Bradstreet found, considering that this Nagalase blocks the naturally occurring GcMAF production in the human body, he found that with autistic children, that they had a highly elevated protein count of Nagalase. Then what he determined, and what many of these other alternative medical doctors were determining was, the Nagalse is surely causing the autism.
So then they were starting to wonder, “If this is happening and it’s occurring right at the very beginning of autism, when autism is occurring, then it has to be being introduced into the human body at the time, or just before the autism is occurring in the human body which appears to be at a state of infancy, not at birth. What does that tell you? That’s right, the Nagalase inhibitor that this GcmAF protein blocker is being introduced into the human body DURING vaccination
You are intentionally having your immune system compromised with a vaccination and some children are automatically coming up with autism, depending on their blood make-up, are acquiring autism.
In the past months, Dr. Bradstreet has become interested in Nagalase, which he describes as an enzyme “produced by cancer cells and viruses.” He thinks it unlikely that children with autism have undiagnosed cancers, and thus suspicion falls on a viral etiology. Dr. Bradstreet writes, “Viruses make the Nagalase enzyme as part of their attachment proteins. It serves to get the virus into the cell and also decreases the body’s immune reaction to the virus-thereby increasing the odds of viral survival.”
Dr. Bradstreet and others believe that this Nagalase, which Dr. Bradstreet and Dr. Gonzalez have proven unequivocally, is being introduced into the body at vaccination.
Since the GcMAF naturally occurs in the body but it’s being inhibited by the introduction of Nagalase protein blocker. There is a product that is being worked on in Europe that has been blocked and is highly illegal in the United States to use because the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies want it kept out of the United States and it goes by the exact same name as the naturally occurring GcMAF. that occurs in your body. So what they were finding is that this GcMAF treatment product, which is being created, actually was reversing autism, reversing tumors, shrinking tumors, curing cancers… that’s what they were finding.
The video researcher stated the following:
“The FDA is known to have visited almost every single one of these alternative medical doctors before they died. Why?  It’s because they have found undercover, that they (these alternative doctors), were working secretly and trying to help out their patients SURVIVE… to LIVE… to reshrink their tumors, to reverse their cancers. They were finding evidence that autism was being reversed.  They were finding, as what Dr. Bradstreet has found that this protein obviously is being introduced… the Nagalase protein is being introduced at the vaccination stage of someone’s human life.”
The video uploader encouraged people to visit the following websites as well:

Continue reading Original article and list of links HERE

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