Archive Video of Last Nights Transpicuous News Report, Sunday Oct. 18th, 2015

News Links for October 18th, 2015 TN

Oct 18 2015

Putin and Saudi defense minister meet in Russia, agree on common goals in Syria

Saudi Arabia’s FM, Adel al-Jubeir, expressed Riyadh’s concerns about the targets of Russia’s military operations in Syria. In turn, Putin said Moscow understands the Saudi’s concern and expressed readiness to cooperate and share intelligence, according to Lavrov.
“On our part, we expressed readiness, which was met with a positive response from the successor to the Crown Prince, to begin close cooperation between our militaries, and security services in order to eliminate any doubts that the targets of the Russian Air Force are ISIS militants, al-Nusra Front, and other terrorist organizations,” he said.
All other countries that have so far taken part in operations in Syria are acting unlawfully, because there is no UN Security Council resolution on these operations, and no official request from the Syrian authorities.
Let me note that when we began our operation, 11 countries were already taking part in one form or another in various strikes against Syrian territory. This has been going on for more than a year now. Realising and understanding this situation, we informed our partners of our plans and proposed that we work together.
Simplest of all would have been for them to join our efforts and in this way bring their own operations on Syrian soil within the law at the same time. After all, if we have a mandate to act from the Syrian authorities, the simplest solution would be for others to join us and work within this same mandate. Unfortunately, we have not been able to reach any such agreement so far with our partners and colleagues, but we do not lose hope that this might yet be possible.   see youtube link below

Vladimir Putin gave an interview to Rossiya-1 television channel presenter Vladimir Solovyov. The interview was recorded on October 10.
Let me note that when we began our operation, 11 countries were already taking part in one form or another in various strikes against Syrian territory. This has been going on for more than a year now. Realising and understanding this situation, we informed our partners of our plans and proposed that we work together.

Simplest of all would have been for them to join our efforts and in this way bring their own operations on Syrian soil within the law at the same time. After all, if we have a mandate to act from the Syrian authorities, the simplest solution would be for others to join us and work within this same mandate. Unfortunately, we have not been able to reach any such agreement so far with our partners and colleagues, but we do not lose hope that this might yet be possible.
 Looking at the purely military dimension, we have heard reproach from others, who say that our airstrikes are hitting not ISIS and other terrorist organisations like Jabhat al-Nusra and suchlike, but forces belonging to the healthy opposition. In this situation, we say to our partners, if they know the situation on the ground better than us and have already been there for more than a year – unlawfully, true, but present nevertheless – if they know better than us (and I doubt this is the case, but let’s assume it is possible), they should give us information on targets and we will work against these targets.

Vladimir Solovyov: They refused?

Vladimir Putin: Yes, they said they are not prepared to work at that level. I cannot see why, after all, if they really know the situation better and want to fight terrorism, they could share with us concrete locations where the terrorists are hiding out and have their command posts and arms and equipment depots.

The plan by climate alarmists to have other scientists imprisoned for their ‘global warming’ skepticism is backfiring horribly, and the chief alarmist is now facing a House investigation into what has been called “the largest science scandal in US history.”

Saudi Arabia Warns "Rumor-Mongers" On Facebook And Twitter Risk Execution

According to state-run Makkah Newspaper in Saudi Arabia, the wealthy Gulf-nation is threatening its citizens with the death penalty for spreading rumors about the government on social media.  An anonymous source within the Ministry of Justice stated only the worst “rumour-mongers” will be sentenced to death, while lesser offenders of the new policy will be disciplined with flogging, imprisonment, travel bans, house arrest, fines and social media bans.

Although the source is not mentioned by name, it should not be assumed that details of the column are any less credible. Human rights organization Reprieve reports that Makkah’s allegiance to the Saudi government is such that the claims should be considered legitimate.  “Although the report does not use a named source, the nature of state-censorship in the Kingdom makes it unlikely that such claims would be made without the consent of the authorities.

In her most dramatic speech to date about climate change, National Security Advisor Susan Rice suggests climate change was partially responsible for the conflict in Syria and represents a looming threat to the entire world.

 *NASAs New Chemtrails: "Colourful displays"... WTF?*
Well well well.... I do love when pieces flow together in a seamless stream of information.  I woke up this morning to three different posts in the new UnFuckers Unite Facebook group, that ties some interesting information together today....  What do floating cities, project blue beam, chemtrails and Lithium all have in commmon?  Perhaps more than we thought, lol.

 *The "Climate Change" Litmus Test*
I honestly think that we could use just this one point- this one topic- as a litmus test for humanity. The complete absurdity of the "Climate Change" rhetoric and agendas is so completely asinine, in that THEIR OWN STATEMENTS contradict themselves- this is the perfect barometer to look at whether people have any chance of shaking the mind numbing koolaid out of their brains and actually use them to logically deduce the bullshit that the "Climate Change" Schtic is.....

Junker Throws in the Towel: "We Cant Go On" Fighting Russia

The EU chief says Europe can no longer afford to have a policy dictated by the United States


"“We wouldn’t participate in any surveillance or whatever other activities the United States might have talked about,” Australian Trade Minister Andrew Robb said on Thursday in an interview with Bloomberg. He was commenting on the Pentagon’s plan to test China’s resolve to protect the waters around its artificial islands.

“On that issue, we’re not taking sides,” Robb added."

Know who else borders Tajikistan?  China.

 Russia may send border guards to Tajikistan to fend off ISIS - Defense Ministry

*American Psycho: Has the United States lost its collective mind? *

Use of antipsychotic prescription drugs floods America....

.... Watch out for the Zombies.

Unusual happenings with inactive radio stations, signaling something big about to happen?
Submitted by IWB, on October 15th, 2015

On SKYKING (8992 or 11175 kHz USB) a call sign called “COLLAPSE” which has not been heard since 2001 has just broadcasted 4 messages to numbered stations/units in the last few minutes.

“FUXEBOX” and “Reykjavik,” have also broadcast in the last few days and they haven’t been heard since 1991 (collapse of the Soviet Union).

“COLLAPSE” has sent 3 messages in the last few minutes.

THIS is Horrific!  and the sad part is that this is main stream media and the Canadian sheep will just freakin ignore it... like everything else.

(star)  *Health Canada hands over documents but muzzles doctor*

Toronto doctor muzzled, not allowed to talk about morning sickness drug info

 * US Uses Tank to Destroy War Crimes Evidence*

I have said for almost three years that everything is going to be made very transparent. That everything- all the corruption, the fraud, etc...- needs to be made completely visible to the world....

In the past month, the "Visibility" has reached a whole new level. The question is: WILL PEOPLE PAY ATTENTION?;_ylt=A0LEVi5qoSNWLHEA2nknnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTE0NHRiNWVwBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDRkZYVUk0NV8xBHNlYwNzYw--

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