WOO HOO !!!!!
Finally got to put the new barrels in....

4 were set up; 2 x Black Jack Zucchini, 1 for some bee attracting flowers & 1 for the Native Raspberry... Another 6 random flowering plants, including Marigolds, were among the beds....

Some of the seedlings are going great.... The Red Dutch Cabbage, Kohl Rabi & Tomatoes have all shot... 2 of the Eggplant are up.... No sign of the Passion fruit or Cape Gooseberries as of yet...
The Pumpkin in the background is being trained to go over the top of Bed #1 & out onto the lawn just in front of the bed if it survives...  The Tomatoes are going into this bed with a mix of basil & other plants in front of them...
The little cucumber at the front of the pic was self sown & doesnt look like it will be worthwhile saving so out it comes tomorrow... : ( »     .

We removed 1 Zucchini from Bed #1 then topped it & Bed # 4 up ready to plant out the new seedlings... Might need to hang some shade to shield the babies when they go into Bed #1 though... 
Left : We have another large Zucchini ready to be picked & stuffed.... Was going to do one this week but ended up making a huge batch of Tomato & Veggie sauce...
Right : We also found our first Eggplant, WOOO HOOO !!!!   

The Mutant Zuccumpkin hasnt  grown much this week....The vine has been attacked severely by powdery mildew but has been treated, so I am just hoping it can hang on until it is ready to be picked...
The Sugarloaf experiment ended this week.... 2 heads were harvested yesterday & are in the fridge ready for dinner tomorrow night....

I can now see the virtue of thinning out the Carrots while they are small.... They are starting to get powdery mildew in the centre, which I sprayed as soon as finding out... These little Dragon Carrots got steamed & went very well with the Roast Oink last night....

This weeks harvest....
Beetroot leaves,  Lettuce,  Zucchini, Shallots, Lemongrass, Baby Dragon Carrots, Kaffir Lime leaves, Strawberries, Beans, 3 eggs a day & Our 1 & only Wombok !!!
18 mm this week.... Only had to fill up Bed # 5 this week... I think that is due to the vast amount of Carrots, Lettuce & Beetroot.... Bed # 1 also got a top up but it didnt take as much as it normally would...

Thats about it for now....
Have a great one all !!!!!

: )»

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