On the downward slide....
As much as I love rugging up & getting comfy on the lounge with the family I really am a Lizard at heart...
Have had a few mornings at 0°C or below without to much damage to the Veggie patch...
**Knocks on wood**
Only a month & a half to go before I can start to thaw out...
Potato Harvest...
I have been dying to get into the potato bags & in a weak moment the other day we emptied one....

Not the biggest harvest but they were the best tasting spuds we have grown... They went down well in a Chook, Mushroom & kohlrabi casserole...
The rest of the bags are being left as I fear we havent been keeping the water up to them enough for the spuds to mature properly... That has been rectified now as they have been fed with some worm cast tea & now will be watered every second day...

In the patch...
Not much has gone on in the patch except for harvesting the Snow & Sugar snap peas as well as the purple Kohlrabi & other assorted leaf veggies...
A clip from the 4th of July with a catch up on the beans, Beetroot & some more Carrots...

Left is a shot of the tiny Mushrooms from the Video as of yesterday... The Peat is starting to look a bit feral with some green mould moving in so I think it will be retired & we shall chalk up the $ lost as part of the learning curve...The other box hasnt produced any fungus as of yet even though we have been keeping a close eye on it...
     The black worm farm still hasnt been harvested as of yet... We should get around to it next weekend I think... Will be able to use the "Handy Dandy" Worm Harvester on it hopefully as this batch is a bit dryer than the last few... Right is a shot of todays pickings, just under 800grams of Sugarsnap peas a few carrots we are going to blanch & freeze...

We made a start on the Barrelponics system on Monday...
Left The main frame for the bench is made from a frame of an old lounge, bits from a recycled futon lounge  along with some recycled timber & bolts... Right  One ½ barrel was found i a park after the January floods & the other was purchased at a 2nd hand store for $4... The black barrel  was bought from a local Produce supply store...
Koo has had heaps of fun helping with the build... The girls are using the Barrelponics as part of their science lessons so that should be fun...

Very annoyed with myself we the stuff up & will definitely be erring on the side of caution from now on... Feel really bad for what happened to the fish....
Thats abooot it for now so Have a great one all...
: )»

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