Has been a tad busy here with the realisation that a wedding is but a few weeks away... We have stairs to fix/paint, a yard to tidy & numerous little odd jobs on the go so the Blog has been suffering a bit...
Was a bit frustrating trying to paint this week...

New additions...
I finely caved & let B? get a Mulberry tree on one condition, It gets planted in an adapted Wicking style Barrel & gets espaliered on a trellis up the side of the house...
We also found a Bell Chilli (not to be confused with a Bell Pepper) at the markets on the weekend just on closing... The Lovely people that ran the stall gave it to me so I was mighty chuffed... We had grown a few at the last house but like so many seeds they were misplaced in the move... They are a mild Chilli that are great for salads & not too hot for kids...
We have had mixed results from the seeds we planted just over a week ago... The Caulis, Kohlrabi, Cabbage & I think a few Kale have shot but no sign of the Lettuce, Parsley, eggplants or Broccoli... We do now also have 3 Onion shoots in the Onion tray that was sown a few weeks ago... Think I might just bite the bullet & go buy a punnet of seedlings...
I am starting to think it may be either the seed raising mix or the seed supplier that may be faulty & not I... Have never had so many misses over such a short period...
A site has been found for the set up, where Bed#5 is... It shall be removed slowly over the next 3-5 weeks (unless a Wedding gets in the way)... Some gravel & large pavers put down as a base & some conduit dug into a trench to provide power to the set up... Would be nice to have some goldfish or Blue Eyes in there & the system cycling to start up the nitrogen cycle but I fear I may be dreaming...
The totes are still in the same place in the yard, one of which has the Strawberry Wall tied to it while the stairs get painted... I need to purchase some special security "bits" to undo some of the screws so we can start to cut them up...

Whats on our plates...
The first 3 pumpkins were picked on the weekend... We have been trying to cure them the past few days but sun doesnt want to cooperate unfortunately...
 Aside from the herbs & Shallots, we have started to harvest the Snow peas, Lettuce, Kohlrabi & the Broccoli as well as having an Eggplant for the table every other day so we are very happy... There are a few Beetroots that will be picked for a Friday roast if they are lucky... The remaining Caulis Are starting to form tiny heads & we are about a week out from our first meal of Silverbeet...

Well, the last ½ of this week has been flat out so so didnt manage to do much other than get the stairs ready for painting, doing the top coat around the Strawberry wall then host have a family get together today...
Shall hopefully be more entertaining & insightful later in the week...
Have a great one all....
: )»

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