Have knocked over few jobbies from the list ...
Clips & updates...
Aquaponic Update...

Still havent progressed from here during the week & have a busy weekend ahead so it may have to wait a while longer...
Worm harvest...

Got the top layer of the Worm farm harvested & hope to get to the other layers in the next few weeks...
Quick wander through the patch...

This was taken last Sunday with a bit added Monday morning...

This weekend...
Hope to get all the seed planted out for the spring crop by the end of this weekend... Some will be sown directly & others will be planted into punnets... Will try & do a full update by Monday night...

Happy harvesting...
Harvest our biggest Beetroot to date & plan to use it in a Beetroot & potato salad for dinner...
The Dragon carrot is one of the biggest we have harvested so far & are very impressed with the flavour as well... The Spuds gave us around a KG from one so cant complain about that really...

Have a great one all....
: )»

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