Update Shots....
Not much going on planting wise in the garden at the moment...
The Caped Gooseberry seedlings in the trays (Left front 2 trays) are still not big enough to be potted out & we are still waiting for some more Udumalapet Eggplant seeds (Left rear tray) to germinate.. Might just have to try again with the Eggplant... There is a bit of "action" in the Passion fruit tray (Right) with what looks to be Tomato, Eggplant, Chilli/Capsicum & what may yet turn out to be a single Passion fruit, seedlings sprouting...

The 2 beds that were planted out the other week are going very well.... The Kohlrabi (Left) & Red Cabbage (Right) roots have settled in nicely & dont require watering any more...     

The Pac Choi in Bed #3 (Left) has germinated but still no sign of the Lettuce that was planted in Bed #4... 
The Zucchini barrels had some Lebanese Zucchini seeds planted in them mid last week as the seedlings we purchased were just so pitiful.. They have now shot so the seedlings got yanked out today ...

The Red Flowered Strawberry (Left) has some interesting Fruit that taste just as good as any other I have had... The Cucumbers (Right) have started to fruit... I have been fertilising the Female flowers myself so as to guarantee some fruit.. All the bees appear to be more interested in the neighbours clover than our garden... Such is...

The Orange Chillies are ripening  & looking great... We are still getting heaps of Rainbow Silverbeet for ourselves & the Chooks at the moment... From the base of the plants you can tell just how productive they have been....

The Mini Roma Toms (Left) are ripening & tasting great... The next lot of Tomatos (Right) are coming on nicely & were joined by some Celery seedlings during the week... Both the Chilli/Capsicum in the bed have picked up as well... There are also a couple of Capsicum & Eggplants behind the trellis at the end that we are going to let live...

Pest/Disease Control...
I am trialling a new deterrent for the common garden pest, the White Cabbage Butterfly... Apparently they are territorial & will not lay eggs where they see another Butterfly so I have put white bread bag clips on a few Beetroot & Turnip leaves to see if they help... If they do I shall be hitting up the extended family for more as we dont buy much bread...I shall also be Neeming the garden again today as the turnips have been attacked by some grubs & powdery mildew...We did pick a few & give them to my Father for his dinner last night... I thought it may help to thin the rows out a bit to try & stop the spread of the mildew...

Worm Farm.....
Started work on the new "Kingdom" for the worms... A full run down of its construction shall be given at a later date... I hurt my foot yesterday so didnt get as much done as I had planed, but such is....

Weekly Harvest...
Lettuce,  Beetroot leaves, Zucchini, Turnips, Baby Dragon/All Seasons Carrots, Mini Roma Tomatos, Strawberries, assorted Herbs, Beans, Eggplant, 3 eggs a day...

Have a Great one all...
: )»

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