Had another slow week here.... We have been busy tying up all the loose ends with Moos schooling so have been house bound trying to keep her motivated....

Worm Farm...
The door/hatch of the new Worm Kingdom has been completed... some air vents, plumbing & flooring need to be installed & then it shall be done.... I have tried to make it as insect proof as possible but I dont really think that is necessary as long as too much food isnt added.. Rodent proofing it is a bit more important & think that has been achieved...

 The Babies...
The trellis wire for the Tomatos was installed today.... I am going to attempt to train these as the professional growers do after watching a few clips online...
 The plants in the seedling trays (left) should be all planted out this weekend into the new Wetpot garden up the side of the house...
There has been a few Red Cabbage seedlings die off this week... I have a niggling thought in the back of my mind that the last soil mix we got to top up the beds may be a bit to rich in Pine Tree sawdust.. I have been told that the Pine trees oil/sap can inhibit the growth of other plants.... Will just have to wait & see me thinks....

Have a great one all...
: )»

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