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matinem - - wander

Update Video...  The Monday morning update video might become a regular occurrence to help us keep track on the gardens progress as a whole ... [...]

matinem - - theories

If  you are going to read one article about CERN this summer.... this is the one you should read.  This is a very long, very intricately wov... [...]

matinem - - show

Hi everyone!  Sorry Ive been sorta AWOL lately... a LOT going on in our house.   Here is the unedited videos of the One Peoples Discussion f... [...]

matinem - - uk

Heres a blog about garden aquaponics in the UK. Some pics from their adventures: [...]

matinem - - protector

One Arduino applications that several people in the Humboldt Microcontrollers Group are interested in is a gardening project. One possibilit... [...]

matinem - - word

Lisa fell down a rabbit hole of Etymology yesterday, and it definitely spiked my interest.  If there is one thing that weve learned through ... [...]