If  you are going to read one article about CERN this summer.... this is the one you should read.  This is a very long, very intricately woven and intensly interesting article.  Some of the theories discussed are ones that I have been researching and discussing a lot lately, and open doors to even more rabbit holes that are very very deep indeed.

Nick and I have been discussing this for the past hour and already weve had several *thud* moments, where unspoken ideas and half articulated theories are exploding in our minds.  ..... I foresee a show on this topic very soon, as the more we discuss this, the more I think this ties into the theory of "cycles" that Lisa and I have been talking about on the One Peoples Roundtable Discussion.

Yes, I HIGHLY recomment reading this article!!!

love d

CERN - End of Days: Updated
This is a very long article. I listened to over 12 hours of podcasts of interviews of Mr. Patch and did some other relevant research, so I hope that you enjoy the information contained in here. Anthony Patch has stated that he takes all his information from scientific journals and formulates his conclusions and his theories from physics. He has no ill will against and of the scientists and physicists working at CERN. It is the financial backers who are running this show, who are occultists.
Mr. Patch has a very intriguing theory as to what he believes CERN is possibly planning by reestablishing the an ancient connection, which occurred during the Golden Age. He even states it is a stretch, but nevertheless an interesting theory. 
Anthony Patchs website: Anthony Patchs Website
On 20 December 2013, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the largest and the most expensive machine ever created by man in recorded history. CERN came into existence from the cold war. The U.S. had the Manhattan Project, which resulted in the A- bomb. Then we had the SALT Treaty, which was a strategic arms limitations treaty. The military industrial complex needed a way to simulate nuclear explosions without having to detonate them above or below ground, so this is how CERN was born. CERN broke ground in 1954 and is located 300 feet underground and expands across the two borders of France and Switzerland.
The main ring is the particle accelerator, which is 27 km or 16.77 miles in diameter. The area that is the coldest at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) is within the central ring itself. It’s a hollow tube referred to as ‘the pipe’ with an area of superconducting magnets. For the magnets to be superconducting, they need to be cryogenically cold using helium at temperatures colder than outer space near absolute zero.
Officially, CERN is trying to recreate the Big Bang in search for the GOD particle or known as the Higgs Boson. This particle is thought to give mass to other particles, created at the time of the Big Bang, based on the gravitational model of the Universe. CERN is looking at this model, the quantum physics, and the quantum particles at the time of the Big Bang theory. Anthony Patch will give us insight into a different model, known as the Electric Model of the Universe, Nikola Tesla as being the father of this model. Albert Einstein called the Father of the gravitational model.
 Anthony Patch has a theory that the actual shape of the known universe is a runcitruncated 600 – cell tetrahedron, which started out as a tetrahedron singularity that expanded outward. He stated that this model has connections between the Adiabatic Quantum computer at the quantum scale and the Large Hadron Collider.

600-Cell Tetrahedron Sphere = Universe  (Anthony Patchs YouTube Channel)

Early this year, two physicists are trying to revive the debate that the Big Bang theory is wrong and quantum equations prove that it is wrong.

How it is done.

CERN is doing this by colliding protons near the speed of light, 99.999% after accelerating them in the main ring, where they collide them in detectors. The four detectors are the ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, and LHCb. These sensors take snapshots of these collisions, which measure the energy and magnetic forces produced by these collisions. The detectors determine the spin and the angle of momentum as well. It costs 1000 pounds or $1,523 per second to run the LHC when the particle accelerators are in use.

The particles travel in opposite directions as beams of protons, which they are using currently. The two very beams become compact when they travel through the collimators on the detectors and are squeezed down into a very tight focus. 1 million times thinner than a human hair moving in bunches through two separate vacuumed pipes. The Bunches are spaced out 25 nanoseconds apart and are comprised of a billion or several billion protons in each bunch with millions of groups. Those beams of protons are very fragile, so the need to keep the integrity of these beams.

The superconducting magnets steer the beams in a circle, keep it dead center, while compressing them and maximizing the amount of energy when the beams are crossed.

Once these particles accelerate and hit the 99.999% speed of light, they hit a barrier. The threshold where they can’t travel any faster, but they continue to be injected with energy in the form of Microwaves and radio frequency energy. There are a couple of stages involved; starts with radio frequency – pushing the particles and then using microwave energy to accelerate them even further. Since they can’t travel any faster, they just keep pumping microwave energy, which then increases the mass 14,000 times prior to acceleration called the resting mass. 

These two streams of particles at a point collide head on, and when they do, it equivocates to about 25% of them hitting, where the streams cross. There are times it’s just glancing blows. Once they collide, they produce tremendous amounts of energies, the highest we have ever seen. They do this to generate enormous amounts of energies at the time of the collision, the highest we have ever witnessed, due to the great mass. 

The results of these collisions generate extreme amounts of heat for a Nanosecond or smaller, a picosecond. The collisions produce up to 100,000 times more heat than our sun, but because it’s so short, it doesn’t have the ability to heat up anything around it.

CERN is producing magnetic fields from these collisions, 100,000 times stronger than the Earth’s natural magnetic field. These magnetic fields extend through our planet and out to our magnetosphere, causing major interruptions to our shields. Our magnetosphere protects us from gamma rays, particles from our sun and the cosmos.

CERN shuts down typically during a solar flare, or coronal mass injection, which is inbound due to the protons that can still penetrate 300 feet down into the earth and the effect on the earth’s magnetic field.

Telluric currents or Earth currents are generated because of the geomagnetic field (Magnetosphere) and conducted back to the surface of the Earth and back into the mantle, and they induce Gravimetric waves. Gravimetric waves are gravity waves (a physical wave) that travel along the crust and through the mantle of the Earth. Telluric Waves are also audible, which why we have heard sounds in the atmosphere as these currents are conducted from the magnetosphere back to the Earth, which people refer to as apocalyptic sounds. But the Earth also has naturally occurring telluric currents called infrasound.

Low-frequency acoustic emissions, which are waves that range from Hz 20 to 100 Hz, which are below the threshold of our normal human hearing. Animals can hear at the lower frequencies. Infrasonic waves modulated that range from about 0 to 15 Hz, like radio transmissions occurring both naturally through Telluric currents and from CERN. If you look at the Egyptian paintings and carvings from ancient times, you will see the figures of gods and deities holding tuning forks.
The tuning forks and sound and the sound that is being generated that we hear around the planet have a relationship to one of the agenda items of the LCH. Through their admissions, they are seeking interdimensional portals or gateways. One of these ways is by using sound as one of their tools in addition to electricity and magnetic fields using sound and vibration to augment their high-tech tools to open the portals as done in the ancient times, stated Anthony.

So people are hearing sounds being produced both from CERN and also by the Earth. NASA has recorded these sounds coming from Saturn, and it’s moon, and this is what it is. We are recording the Birkeland Currents that are moving through the Electric Plasma.

 The Earth is a conductor as well as a battery. It’s receiving these currents like charging a battery, and we hear that movement of electrons in the form of currents as these sounds.

Gravimetric waves appear to be creating earthquakes and reactivating volcanoes. There is a direct correlation between the superconducting magnets in CERN and the magnetic fields being generated by the accelerated particles, which in itself generate magnetic fields, changing the shields around our planet. The magnetic fields being generated are also changing the gravity. There is a gravimetric relationship with our mantle and our crust to the tectonic plates, which is shifting our plates.

The magnetic energy by these super magnets being created is being compounded. The LHC creates three sources of magnetic energy, which are generating gravimetric waves (gravity waves) that are propagating through the earth’s crust. Wherever there are weaknesses in the crust, there is a separation of tectonic plates, as well as some subduction-taking place. However, the majority of earthquakes we are seeing is at the separation of tectonic plates. These gravimetric waves are interacting with those weak spots, causing slippage to occur, because you are inducing a gravity wave into fragile and unstable environment acting as a trigger.

The Earth is electric, like every other body in the universe is electric. Anthony Patch states that when you are adding or subtracting electric current to the core and the magnetosphere, you will also make changes to gravity and the effects internally and externally. He goes on to say that you can’t separate gravity from electricity. One unit of magnetic force is ten to the 39th power stronger than gravimetric force.

The energy from these super magnets being used has the capability to distort time and space. Which is another entire discussion all in itself, but if you would like, check out the Mandela Effect.

NASA launched the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission, watching the effects of the magnetic field. When the magnets are powered up they affect the magnetosphere and the magnetopause. They call it the changing or the morphology of it that they are changing. There are four updated satellites in a diamond formation monitoring our magnetosphere, where naturally formed microscopic black holes form from gamma rays. These black holes only last for less than a nanosecond.   When a black hole bursts forth from a burst, the gamma rays are directed towards the Earth and enter our magnetosphere, creating these black holes. The Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission is looking for black holes as the result of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and solar flares can cause quite a bit of a distortion in the detectors, so this is the reason CERN shuts down the LHC. They need to be as clean as possible, free as much as possible from electromagnetic interference.

Those energies from the sun cause distortions of our magnetosphere, whereas those energies penetrate the magnetosphere (our shields) and would distort the data, so it’s a matter of interference. When they fire up the LHC, the satellites see how CERN is screwing up our magnetosphere, which makes our planets natural shields compromised and defenseless.
CERN/16 Tev/Earth’s Shields Hammered
Earth’s Shields Continue to Collapse/Cern/StarGate

The presenter from BPEarthWatch discusses how CERN now shows in their videos that their machine is having an affect on our magnetosphere. He also discusses how the LCH operates.

The Higgs Boson
The Higgs Field, which is a theoretical model referring to dark energy and dark matter. The matter we can touch, see and measure is about 4.9%, and everything else theoretically is dark energy and dark matter. Dark matter consists of about 26.8% and dark energy 68.3%.

In 1998, in an episode of the Simpsons, In the Wizard of Evergreen Terrace, Homer predicted the mass of the Higgs Boson mathematically, which was came out to be a bit larger than the Nano-mass of what the Higgs Boson truly is.

The Higgs Field is much like a matrix, a woven fabric of space. Moving through the woven spaces of this matrix are Weakly Interacting Massive Particles or W.I.M.P.s for short. It’s within this field of WIMPS, where the Higgs Boson resides, which is considered to be one of these WIMPS. The Higgs Boson is regarded as one of these particles that moves through the Higgs Fields. As the Higgs Boson slows down, It will gain mass, which is counter intuitive as described to what is occurring in the Large Hadron Collider, regarding the acceleration of particles.

It is the Higgs Boson that they want to tear apart and according to Anthony Patch and rip the veil of the Higgs Field. The nuclear forces of these WIMPS have a weak nuclear bonding force. So, theoretically, the Higgs Fields is capable of being opened or torn apart.

The Higgs Field, explained – Don Lincoln

Strangelets were created the moment after the Big Bang, which then the Higgs Boson came about, along with other bosons and quarks. All of these are quantum particles, which are smaller than atoms. Strangelets are comprised of two quantum particles, quarks and gluons bound together. These Strangelets are referred to as liquid quarks. They are calling it quark-gluon plasma because they don’t want to use the real terminology, Strangelets.

Strangelets are stable and attract unstable matter. Unstable matter is virtually everything else you see and interact with on a daily basis. They start attracting quantum particles, followed by atoms and molecules, where they will grow exponentially.

Strangelets do not exist naturally on Earth but in the ultra-dense core of pulsars and the dark, ultra heavy matter of the galactic halo. It’s
gargantuan power could suck in an entirely planetary mass in just a matter of a few days. The conversion of ordinary quarks into Strangelets is referred to as an Ice 9 Extinction. It states that you only need a microscopic critical mass of Strangelates to explode the Earth.

The BrookeHavens Laboratory in New York has already created Strangelets, and in huge amounts according to the documentary Strange Matters, one spoon of Strangelets equals 1 billion tons. That is three times the mass of the population of Earth.

Strange Matters

Essentially, this is how a neutron star forms, and he said theoretically this process may have already started from all the Strangelets that have been produced already within 10 to 100 years, perhaps. He conjectures that this is the reason why we are seeing an increase in earthquakes and volcanoes.

Anthony Patch believes that one of the real reasons that they built the LHC could be to produce Strangelets. He postulates that they may intend to replace nuclear warheads and be used as blackmail for the rest of the world to have a one world single leader.

Neutrinos also fall through the Earth, which are created at the LHC, but also occur naturally.

This physicist at LHC admits that they want to create quark gluons that this is what they seem to be looking for and not the Higgs Boson.
?Quark, gluon...plasma! #13TeV

The physicists at CERN even admit that they are trying to find other dimensions and open up portals. 
Extra dimensions, gravitrons, and tiny black holes – Extra dimensions may sound like science fiction, but they could explain why gravity is so weak:  Extra dimensions may sound like science fiction, but they could explain why gravity is so weak

The vacuum of space is filled with electrically charged plasma and currents of moving particles called electrons between planets, which is the natural state of the universe defined by Tesla. NASA has recorded sounds coming f

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