Here is the Archive Video from Monday July 20th, The One People Roundtable Show.

I am posting all the info again here so that its all nice and neatly in one big pile, lol.  Ive also included my Noahide law notes from my work room at the bottom.


Weve been heading deep into the rabbit hole of the Vatican, Vatican Law, The Treaty of Verona and the Magna Carta, "The Crown", the ISO, and the Grand Jubilee Shemitah.   It seems that for the past 2 months, not a week has gone by that we didnt get handed yet another clue to all of this vastly convoluted mess.

On Monday night, July 20th, 2015, on the One Peoples Roundtable Discussion, Lisa and I will be reviewing the past few pieces of the puzzle, and really taking a close look at this HUGE piece that I was sent  just before going live on air for the Transpicuous News Midweek Report this past Wednesday night.

In preparation for Monday nights show, Ive laid out here several of the pieces that are all very relevant to our latest discussions ..... This is your Pre-Show Homework.

Im not going to put it all in here (it would probably take me all weekend, lol), but I wanted to put out publicly several of the major pieces that have seemingly tied themselves together.  Oh so neatly.

At the end of June, Lisa and I discussed the ISO amendments on the Roundtable Discussion (video archive HERE) , and I published the Data dump from my workroom with all the info I had at that moment HERE.

The moment I read the June 19th ISO amendments, I immediately knew that this was a huge piece of the puzzle.   The June 19th ISO Amendment link is HERE.   The major part of the amendments was adding -for most of the country listings- (THE) to the beginning of the countries names.   Now, this wasnt the only ISO amendment listed- I actually went back and got the master list from ISO for country amendments HERE.  At the bottom of this article I have embedded the actual Amendments Docs.

Here are the interesting amendments on the page:

With immediate effect, the following minor corrections are made to “Table A.1 – Currency and funds code list” (as advised by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency):



The other interesting ISO Amendment happened back in 2014:

28 March 2014
With immediate effect, the following change is made to  “Table A.1 – Currency and funds code list” and “Table A.2 – Funds codes registered with the Maintenance Agency“:
Entity Currency Alphabetic code
Numeric code Minor unit
UNITED STATES US Dollar (Same day)
The US Dollar (Same day) is no longer in use and therefore will be removed from the  ISO 4217 lists.  
With immediate effect, the following change is made to  “Table A.3 – Codes for historic denominations of currencies and funds“:
Entity Currency Alphabetic code
Numeric code Minor unit
UNITED STATES US Dollar (Same day)
Vatican City State (HOLY SEE) has been removed as it is a duplicate of the entry  HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE) 

Really?  The ISO didnt notice that they had a "duplicate entry" for Vatican City, that just happens to have a different corporate name..... for YEARS?!   Yea.... I think not.

During that Roundtable Discussion I said that I suspected that the changes to the names of the countries is because they are going to "bankrupt" the old corporations (and currencies), and the name changes reflected the new corporations that would be replacing the old bust ass broke ones.  Not only that, but the addition of the word (THE) to the names, is a statement of ownership BY the Vatican.  (thanx to Mel Ve for that lesson in Etymology!).....

.... and now the Pope is openly stating that countries should be able to declare bankruptcy:

 Francis stated, “if a company can declare bankruptcy, why can’t a country do so and we go to the aid of others?” Francis offered further comments noting that too many countries are struggling with high debts and he suggested a United Nations bankruptcy proposal could be the solution.?

Debt Forgiveness? National Bankruptcy? And an nice shiny Jubilee to wrap it up all nicely.

Then we also have Pope Francis "leaked" Encyclical on June 15th (just in time for the anniversary of Magna Carta.... among other things), in which he calls for new Earth Constitution, a planetary court, and a global government.... to go along with his idea of a global currency that he talked about last year, no doubt.  All in the name of "Climate Change" & "Global Warming".

.... Agenda 21 Anyone?

Well be digging into this and a lot more on this Monday nights Roundtable Discussion, July 20th, at 11pm BDT/ 6pm EDT, LIVE Stream on CCN:

And just to be completely clear to everyone:   in the past few days Kaperskys antivirus  and Malwearbytes has decided that CCN is a dangerous site and they are now blocking people from being able to access it .... no matter what you do.   So if you are running either of those programs or having an issue getting CCN loaded, no worries: you can also watch CCNs LIVE Stream here on Removing the Shackles, on , and on the CCN and RTS Facebook pages!!



Pope Francis Calls for Global Bankruptcy Process

WASHINGTON – Pope Francis called for an international bankruptcy process in a news conference as he left Latin America on Monday. According to the Associated Press, when asked about the Greek debt crisis, Francis stated, “if a company can declare bankruptcy, why can’t a country do so and we go to the aid of others?” Francis offered further comments noting that too many countries are struggling with high debts and he suggested a United Nations bankruptcy proposal could be the solution.?
“Pope Francis knows that heavy debt loads cause poverty and inequality,” said Eric LeCompte, who consulted the Vatican on its position. LeCompte is the head of the religious development organization Jubilee USA Network. “The Pope’s statement is a logical extension of the Catholic Church’s strong support of debt relief for struggling countries.”
Last year, LeCompte led a delegation of global Jubilee organizations to advise Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin on the need for a bankruptcy process to address inequality. The Catholic Church is a founder of Jubilee USA and supports its efforts to win debt relief for struggling countries.
In September of 2014, the United Nations General Assembly voted 124-11 to develop the bankruptcy process that Pope Francis referenced. LeCompte addressed the UN earlier this year on the creation of the process. This Fall, the United Nations is set to review progress on the proposal. Because International Monetary Fund (IMF) studies point to debt as a cause of inequality, the IMF is exploring aspects of a bankruptcy process based on an April 2013 paper. In addition to the debt crisis in Greece, nearly 50 countries? face worrying levels of debt distress according to World Bank statistics.
“A bankruptcy process is critical if we want less poverty and if we want to prevent financial crisis,” stated LeCompte, who consulted a recent United Nations Conference on Trade and Development road map that fed into the UN bankruptcy process. “Bankruptcy means less inequality and more global stability.”.....
Read the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development road map: ?? Sovereign Debt Workouts: Going Forward Roadmap and Guide?.?
Read the IMF’s April 2013 paper on debt restructuring.
Jubilee USA Network is an alliance of more than 75 US organizations and 400 faith communities working with 50 Jubilee global partners. Jubilee’s mission is to build an economy that serves, protects and promotes the participation of the most vulnerable. Jubilee USA has won critical global financial reforms and more than $130 billion in debt relief to benefit the world’s poorest people.
Notice the religious ties: Christian, Judaic, and Islamic

Jubilee (Christianity)

In Judaism and Christianity, the concept of the Jubilee is a special year of remission of sins and universal pardon. In the Biblical Book of Leviticus, a Jubilee year is mentioned to occur every fiftieth year, in which slaves and prisoners would be freed, debts would be forgiven and the mercies of God would be particularly manifest....

In Christianity, the tradition dates to 1300, when Pope Boniface VIII convoked a holy year, following which ordinary jubilees have generally been celebrated every 25 or 50 years; with extraordinary jubilees in addition depending on need. Christian Jubilees, particularly in the Catholic tradition, generally involve pilgrimage to a sacred site, normally the city of Rome.....

"Pre-History" of the Christian Jubilee[edit]

The year of Jubilee in both the Jewish and Christian traditions is a time of joy, the year of remission or universal pardon. In Mosaic law, each fiftieth year was to be celebrated as a jubilee year, and that at this season every household should recover its absent members, the land return to its former owners, the Hebrew slaves be set free, and debts be remitted (see Jubilee (Biblical)).
The same conception, spiritualized, forms the fundamental idea of the Christian Jubilee, though it is difficult to judge how far any sort of continuity can have existed between the two. It is commonly stated that Pope Boniface VIII instituted the first Christian Jubilee in the year 1300, and it is certain that this is the first celebration of which we have any precise record, but it is also certain that the idea of solemnizing a fiftieth anniversary was familiar to medieval writers, no doubt through their knowledge of the Bible, long before that date. The jubilee of a monks religious profession was often kept, and probably some vague memory survived of those Roman ludi saeculares which are commemorated in the "Carmen Saeculare" of Horace, even though this last was commonly associated with a period of a hundred years rather than any lesser interval. But, what is most noteworthy, the number fifty was specially associated in the early 13th century with the idea of remission. The translation of the body of St. Thomas of Canterbury took place in the year 1220, fifty years after his martyrdom. The sermon on that occasion was preached by Cardinal Stephen Lantron, who told his hearers that this coincidence was meant by Providence to recall "the mystical virtue of the number fifty, which, as every reader of the sacred page is aware, is the number of remission."
We might be tempted to regard this discourse as a fabrication of later date, were it not for the fact that a Latin hymn directed against the Albigenses, and certainly belonging to the early 13th century, speaks in exactly similar terms. The first stanza

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