Remember these guys ????
The Azadirachtin in the Neem oil stops eggs from hatching, stops the larvas ability to moult, & by inhibits their ability to feed... It has these & other detrimental effects on many other leaf eating insects... I have read that when Neem mulch or the foliage spray is applied near the roots of some plants that some Azadirachtin will be taken up & act as a deterrent to some pest...
As far as I know it isnt available as a registered pesticide here in Australia due to not meeting government standards but has been used in India for centuries as for its horticultural & general health benefits to us Ooomans... We use the soap, toothpaste, mosquito repellent, the oil as an antiseptic & in cream blends to help with rashes/eczema...
Here is a link to a QLD Government PDF download that has some useful information & "Discover Neem" has a great round up of its broad range of uses if you feel like looking into it further...
I purchase all our Neem products from Neeming Australia but there are a few distributors around now...
Have a great one...
: )»