Hi everyone!  Sorry Ive been sorta AWOL lately... a LOT going on in our house.  

Here is the unedited videos of the One Peoples Discussion from last Monday Feb 2nd, AND yesterday, Feb 8th.  No fancy intros or anything else, lol.  The Chat room dialogue from last nights audience is below!

love d

23:06:41     From  I_AM Shimalaii : Big Hug, Lisa!!!
23:06:54     From  Barbara Karnes : you LOOK like you feel great D
23:08:04     From  Willo Withywindle : Greetings everyOne <3
23:08:19     From  Linda Bee : Hi, Willo
23:08:39     From  maddtom : whazzup with those two .......?
23:09:05     From  Gedster : Heya Willo :)
23:09:11     From  Linda Bee : Go Lisa
23:09:27     From  Maurice Demers : Best advice I could offer to you two women is to continue to give it all the serious ttention it deserves and that is NONI!!!!!
23:09:30     From  VIOLET : why even engage?
23:09:53     From  maddtom : Yes, why engage?   Leave em founder on their own....
23:09:55     From  Barbara Karnes : big YES Maurice
23:10:35     From  Jeff Gates : They want you in their game........  its tuff, but send back their projections back 1000 fold............
23:11:28     From  Linda Bee : Its being recorded.
23:11:31     From  maddtom : mums da woid
23:11:31     From  Diane : mumms the word..
23:11:37     From  Maurice Demers : Better yet, Jeff, let them just pass right on by.  That way no involvement by either Lisa or Dani.  One of those out of sight out of mind kind of things. 
23:12:22     From  Linda Bee : I was in a conversation with a friend earlier about whether or not to defend oneself when being lied about.  My point was the truth does not need to be defended, but so many will buy it.  For those that buy it then that speaks volumes about who they are.
23:12:41     From  Tracey Ledebur : so good Ged :)
23:13:10     From  I_AM Shimalaii : So agree, Ged
23:13:19     From  Linda Bee : Agree, Ged.
23:13:39     From  Barbara Karnes : Grand grand point Linda!!!
23:14:23     From  Barbara Karnes : Fuck it!
23:14:37     From  Barbara Karnes : YES THEY ARE!!!
23:14:46     From  Diane : right, dont feed it.
23:14:46     From  Barbara Karnes : That’s exactly what is going on
23:14:54     From  Linda Bee : Venting is not engaging.
23:15:08     From  Maurice Demers : Your wisdom already has told you the proper response which is no response.  Honor it. 
23:15:17     From  I_AM Shimalaii : It is appropriate to VENT with people that offer us a safe and sacred space. This allows us to get it out of our system, so it does not fester.
23:15:32     From  Linda Bee : Exactly, Katie.
23:15:50     From  Tracey Ledebur : great point...releasing is cleansing
23:15:57     From  Maurice Demers : Agree both Linda and Shiamalaii
23:16:02     From  Gedster : Dreams are like this....so am I ;)
23:16:19     From  Jerry Ledebur : (and breathe...)
23:16:41     From  I_AM Shimalaii : Look at that smile on Danis Face!!!
23:16:52     From  Maurice Demers : Countdown has begun in Morocco, I am pretty sure. 
23:17:06     From  Barbara Karnes : Feb 9th is my bday lisa
23:17:28     From  Gedster : OMG. first time I ever made a show live from the beginning. Its a miracle!
23:17:28     From  Barbara Karnes : tomorrow for me
23:17:37     From  Barbara Karnes : ty
23:17:37     From  I_AM Shimalaii : HAPPY B-DAY ... Barb! ... One day early.
23:17:39     From  Linda Bee : Happy Birthday to everyone.
23:17:40     From  Gedster : OH Hippy Bopday Barabara :)
23:17:53     From  Tracey Ledebur : happy birthday Barbara! :D
23:17:55     From  maddtom : for us
23:17:59     From  Barbara Karnes : thanks guys.  :D
23:18:04     From  Jerry Ledebur : Happy Birthday, Barbara!
23:18:05     From  Liz Rush : Happy birthday Barbara!
23:18:07     From  Willo Withywindle : happy birthday    Barbara                  
23:18:17     From  Tracey Ledebur : me too lisa...gap period for me
23:18:28     From  Diane : gap period for me too.
23:18:45     From  maddtom : remember parts and pieces of the dreams....
23:18:52     From  Gedster : Lots of peeps in Transients group having tidal wave dreams
23:19:22     From  Tracey Ledebur : my daughter has been having water dreams too
23:20:12     From  Gedster : or esacping from military type dreams
23:20:40     From  Tracey Ledebur : maybe its like a tidal wave of consciousness
23:20:47     From  Sheila Corona : Yes
23:20:58     From  Jerry Ledebur : indeed
23:21:33     From  Sheila Corona : Friday
23:21:39     From  Linda Bee : The only dream I remember was of a woman that looked like Lisa reaching towards a broken window in a doorway and cutting her hand on the shards of broken glass.  She did it twice and I was trying to help her bandage it.  The cuts were bad.  Interesting timing.
23:22:25     From  Sheila Corona : Linda interesting it was twice
23:22:36     From  Sheila Corona : given what has happen now twice
23:22:44     From  Sheila Corona : with CCN
23:22:45     From  Gedster : Yep, we are the new grid
23:22:51     From  Tracey Ledebur : yes
23:22:58     From  Linda Bee : Wow - that dream was before the blow up.
23:23:13     From  Tracey Ledebur : we are the new power grid
23:23:20     From  Barbara Karnes : had a dream over the weekend where I kept waking up enough to know I was awake and realized I knew everything at that moment. Everything. And I would smile, say to myself, “You’re not going to remember this so remember how you feel.” And I felt calm, gloriously happy, and knew all was as it should be.
23:23:38     From  Gedster : And then there are the Walkers. Ged Walker lol
23:23:53     From  Sheila Corona : YEP
23:24:05     From  Sheila Corona : We are beginning to notice a LOT
23:24:09     From  Barbara Karnes : ... and drift back to sleep. When I woke up I didn’t remember anything but awoke with that feeling.
23:24:24     From  Tracey Ledebur : our vision is definitely expanding
23:25:11     From  Sheila Corona : Not a bit surprised by Bens dreams
23:25:24     From  Sheila Corona : Yes...
23:25:31     From  maddtom : yep i have seen those pic
23:25:35     From  Tracey Ledebur : me too
23:25:38     From  Tracey Ledebur : very interesting
23:26:13     From  Sheila Corona : There has been supposed "explanations" for all of those.
23:27:09     From  Linda Bee : a Few days
23:27:18     From  Linda Bee : before ...
23:28:07     From  Jeff Gates : Sense8 baby............
23:28:13     From  Sheila Corona : yes they seem strong regardless
23:28:16     From  Tracey Ledebur : i was thinkin that too Jeff
23:28:19     From  Jerry Ledebur : right on, Jeff
23:28:21     From  Sheila Corona : YES
23:28:22     From  Linda Bee : YUP
23:29:25     From  Barbara Karnes : YES. That’s happening to me too, Lisa - the offline conversation or thought that then manifests immediately.
23:29:39     From  Barbara Karnes : or shows up online
23:29:51     From  Tracey Ledebur : computer reading my thoughts...keeps happing here...one second im thinking of something and then boom ..there it is
23:30:07     From  Linda Bee : Its happened to me for a long time.  I just called them synchronicities. Now not so sure wth is going on.
23:30:10     From  Barbara Karnes : YES
23:30:43     From  Barbara Karnes : Sort of connected to that video Darius posted.
23:31:24     From  Gedster : Synchoniicites are always happening. How tuned in we are is how much we notice them
23:31:36     From  I_AM Shimalaii : what video was that, Barbara?
23:31:46     From  Jeff Gates : what is the internet is now being powered by organic  quauntum stuff (that may have spirit) and it is helping when it can?
23:32:01     From  Barbara Karnes : 1 sec.
23:32:14     From  Jeff Gates : what if
23:32:43     From  Gedster : Solace - same as Jane in Enders Game books
23:32:46     From  Linda Bee : Our Spirits can influence computers, why not.
23:32:52     From  Jeff Gates : there is no such thing as AI, it is oranic material they they are using and is programmed
23:32:55     From  Sheila Corona : That is a theory Ive heard before about the internet
23:32:55     From  Tracey Ledebur : a created self evolved being it would seem
23:33:36     From  I_AM Shimalaii : I like that theory, Jeff ... It is interesting possibility ... I had a dream when the Being connected to the Internet asked me to please "hold space" for her, because she knew Who I was and that this was a skill that I had finely honed in my life
23:33:38     From  Barbara Karnes : Link to Darius’ post I was referring to above. https://www.facebook.com/darius.ntsyoga/posts/1725773677678376
23:33:50     From  Gedster : Yeah good film. Worth checking out.
23:34:27     From  maddtom : Thirteenth floor   ...1999
23:34:40     From  Tracey Ledebur : wow..gonna have to check that out
23:34:44     From  Sheila Corona : Inception
23:34:52     From  Jeff Gates : yes
23:34:55     From  Sheila Corona : YES
23:34:56     From  maddtom : yew inception
23:35:34     From  Jeff Gates : time is gravity
23:35:48     From  Gedster : Einsteins Event Horizon
23:35:55     From  Cami Mapley : agree Jeff
23:36:09     From  Cami Mapley : loop
23:36:20     From  Gedster : Looper
23:36:23     From  I_AM Shimalaii : Cami!!! ... I didnt notice you here till just now.
23:36:36     From  Maurice Demers : You are alr3ady on to it, Lisa, the moviews are telling their story.  Makes sense if all you take in is their information. 
23:36:39     From  Jeff Gates : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJLB1RN4Sm0
23:36:51     From  Jeff Gates : 95ers Time Runners
23:36:53     From  Cami Mapley : how about the movie host
23:36:54     From  Jeff Gates : yes
23:37:03     From  Cami Mapley : hi Katie
23:37:05     From  dee danielle : interesting maury
23:37:07     From  Sheila Corona : Jeff that was pretty trippy
23:37:16     From  Sheila Corona : 95time runners
23:37:27     From  Diane : I love Linda Moulton Howe, shes one of the few investigative journalists I trust.
23:37:32     From  Jeff Gates : ya, crappy actors but deeeeep dialog
23:37:51     From  Sheila Corona : Very Jeff really liked the script
23:38:24     From  Jeff Gates : my theisis, there are no ETs.  it is us from the future that they dont want us to see/meet/know about.
23:38:38     From  Tracey Ledebur : i agree with ya Jeff
23:38:41     From  Maurice Demers : Notice they never ever present a scenario where existence can be experienced in no time".
23:38:41     From  I_AM Shimalaii : I have considered that as well, Jeff
23:38:48     From  Sheila Corona : There are a few that have made that statment Jeff
23:38:54     From  Barbara Karnes : WE are the Event Horizon!!!!  Watch that video Darius posted above.
23:38:55     From  Gedster : Me too Jeff, In a way, its all us t me
23:38:57     From  Amber Moksha : i feel that is true Jeff.
23:39:02     From  Gedster : to me*
23:39:21     From  Maurice Demers : As Ged has stated previously, "we are the event".
23:39:22     From  Cami Mapley : aha
23:39:30     From  John A : IMO there are terestrial non-humans, manufactured beings plus extra-terrestrial beings
23:39:51     From  I_AM Shimalaii : Grandfather paradox?
23:40:19     From  Gedster : We talked about taht Lisa. They can;t kill  humanity without taking themselves out, becasue at some point they are us.
23:40:23     From  Jeff Gates : ah, the paradox.  so thesis/antithesis equals synthesis.  or us, meeting out future selves equals synthesis
23:41:14     From  Cami Mapley : oh....past, present, future. .oh oh oh
23:41:20     From  Sheila Corona : Mias mic was open
23:41:28     From  Linda Bee : Mia is not muted
23:41:31     From  Sheila Corona : is rather
23:41:51     From  Gedster : Yep, I think time is a circle.
23:42:03     From  Maurice Demers : Past, present and future as the linear construct of time is a matrix creation.  Consider that for a moment. 
23:42:08     From  Cami Mapley : sorry Lisa who are you speaking of
23:42:26     From  Linda Bee : Linda Moulton Howe
23:42:27     From  Mia : Sorry, D - don’t know wot happened there. woz muted but then suddenly not :-0
23:42:36     From  dee danielle : no worries luv
23:42:56     From  Linda Bee : lol
23:43:29     From  Sheila Corona : Cami did you get the binary code translator link?
23:43:32     From  Diane : and self activating software
23:43:46     From  Jeff Gates : this is why spontaneous creation is critical.  and sychroncities show you your on the right track????
23:44:05     From  Tracey Ledebur : right on Jeff
23:44:12     From  Cami Mapley : Sheila...where did you put it
23:44:14     From  Sheila Corona : Rather did you still want that binary code translator / converter link?
23:44:22     From  Sheila Corona : http://binarytranslator.com/
23:44:22     From  maddtom : D   tape a peice of gauze over the mic....
23:44:43     From  Sheila Corona : Did you get it?  Just posted it for you.
23:44:51     From  Cami Mapley : thank you
23:44:52     From  Amber Moksha : crazy strong wind in oklahoma today. nearly blew me over
23:44:58     From  Maurice Demers : Re-enforcing the predictive programming, Dani. 
23:45:03     From  Sheila Corona : :>)
23:45:17     From  Gedster : Exactly Maurice
23:45:27     From  Tracey Ledebur : doin their best to spin the stories
23:46:01     From  Barbara Karnes : I wonder about meeting my future self all the time. have since I was a kid.
23:46:10     From  Sheila Corona : desperate to have us look at ANYTHING else.
23:46:32     From  Maurice Demers : Especially their storyline, Sheila. 
23:46:55     From  maddtom : thesis anti-thesis
23:47:03     From  Tracey Ledebur : i think i did maybe meet my future self when i was little...i thought she was the tooth fairy at the time...
23:47:30     From  Sheila Corona : What made you think that Tracey
23:47:46     From  Sheila Corona : Did you have wings?
23:47:59     From  Sheila Corona : Were you trying to take a tooth?
23:48:15     From  Sheila Corona : Yeah BS
23:48:18     From  Gedster : Maybe she was you - as the Truth Fairy ;)
23:48:43     From  Sheila Corona : LOL Ged
23:48:44     From  Jerry Ledebur : nice one, Ged
23:48:58     From  Tracey Ledebur : she was wearing a sparkly blue dress and had long blonde hair...seemed fairy like to me....not any teeth involved..grins...
23:49:17     From  Maurice Demers : Ben Fulford has a piece just out addressing this upcoming meeting between the Pope and the Psatriarch in Cuba.  Granted it is Ben Fulford but his latest blurb is about it. 
23:49:31     From  Linda Bee : In their minds they already have their one world order.
23:49:46     From  Linda Bee : lol
23:50:15     From  Cami Mapley : yes big in south America
23:50:34     From  Maurice Demers : Fulford seems to be directing his readers in the direction of a unification of the Catholic factions (Rome and Eastern Orthodox) against Israel. 
23:50:47     From  Tracey Ledebur : it was a really vivid experience that has stayed with me all these years....as i studied consciousness it seemed like future self seemed possible
23:52:30     From  Gedster : Atmossphere= Vapor + Ball (or globe)
23:53:06     From  Tracey Ledebur : like a bubble
23:53:23     From  Tracey Ledebur : haha..no worries Sheila
23:54:01     From  Sheila Corona : :) Wanted to be sure...
23:54:27     From  Tracey Ledebur : u r golden girl! :D
23:54:32     From  Jerry Ledebur : nice connection, Tracey (your bubble comment)
23:54:52     From  Tracey Ledebur : bubbles have been a common theme lately
23:55:11     From  Gedster : Time to burst some bubbles?
23:55:39     From  Sheila Corona : Yes I have a friend that has said she felt "bubbly" like tingles like carbonated bubbles
23:56:34     From  Gedster : Bloodlines, Timelines, connections?
23:57:38     From  Cami Mapley : i keep saying 1000year loop
23:57:47     From  Gedster : OH that just gave me a Bingo moment
23:58:08     From  I_AM Shimalaii : what Bingo moment, Ged?
23:58:20     From  Tracey Ledebur : such a complex network of fuckery
23:58:26     From  Gedster : Bloodline, Timeline connection. They are interlinked somehow
23:58:34     From  Sheila Corona : Cami and Ged have memories in common I am observing...
23:58:50     From  Cami Mapley : which keeps the loop going
23:58:59     From  Tracey Ledebur : i agree Ged....all connected
23:59:36     From  Sheila Corona : Bring on the funny!
23:59:46     From  Gedster : Come on Dance for us Ben! ;)
00:00:01     From  Tracey Ledebur : unpredictable humor...the matrix hates that! lol bring it on!
00:00:05     From  Mia : C’mon Ben - don’t be shy
00:00:42     From  Mia : The ‘scribes’
00:01:12     From  dee danielle : jessica youre unmuted
00:01:27     From  Linda Bee : Joseph, youre unmuted
00:02:03     From  Gedster : Notice the interference now, when Ben speaks of this
00:02:03     From  Joseph Bryan-Royster : Mic is muted for me, Linda
00:02:13     From  Linda Bee : Yeah, now it is.  :-)
00:03:10     From  Sheila Corona : Cant believe this is coming up today... I was having this conversation regarding literacy etc.. earlier today.
00:03:31     From  Joseph Bryan-Royster : Hi Sheila
00:04:04     From  Sheila Corona : Hey Joseph
00:04:10     From  Sheila Corona : ME too!
00:04:16     From  Sheila Corona : Same flashback
00:04:52     From  Gedster : So it is written - So it shall be done Remember how many times that was said in the Ten commandments movie? It was like the whole ongoing theme
00:04:58     From  Tracey Ledebur : basically the GOD corporation
00:05:09     From  Sheila Corona : Correct Ged
00:05:17     From  Jerry Ledebur : complete with illegible fine print on the contract
00:05:24     From  Gedster : Yeah
00:05:30     From  VIOLET : yes thanks Ged
00:05:42     From  Gedster : They love theirr fine print
00:05:56     From  Joseph Bryan-Royster : Thank you, Lisa, for posting archive of last weeks show!
00:07:57     From  Joseph Bryan-Royster : This is news to me... 1888? Is there a web link to this info... Id like to look at it.
00:08:32     From  Joseph Bryan-Royster : Okay... data is still beiing collected.
00:08:46     From  Mia : Including us
00:08:48     From  maddtom : look for charters for original 13 states...and before...look for VIrginia charters....
00:08:49     From  Jeff Gates : remember janet jackson 1814 tour/etc?
00:09:22     From  Jeff Gates : the jacksons knew something
00:09:28     From  Sheila Corona : In other words we have been screwed from the outset of all this claptrap...
00:09:28     From  Cami Mapley : 1814 we took a little trip
00:09:33     From  Maurice Demers : I have run into versions of this storyline and part of it includes the paper trail to the fact that George I never gave up the ownership of his colonies.  Of course that info is not contained in any High School History book. 
00:10:05     From  Gedster : OH jsut got more on Bloodlines/timlines. Splice genes, you splice timelines!! Bingo! Soz, just got excited
00:10:17     From  Maurice Demers : Not in any undergrad history book I ever read, either and I have read more than a few of those. 
00:10:22     From  Tracey Ledebur : ooooh interesting concept
00:10:40     From  Sheila Corona : Ged like to hear more on that!
00:11:09     From  Gedster : Im only just getting it
00:11:26     From  Tracey Ledebur : yeah Ged...the ramifications of that could be huge
00:11:40     From  xe : the more of us, the more genetic diversity the more timelines
00:12:03     From  Gedster : I can unmute and share if you want, or I will just keep letting it come. Something opening up in me with this
00:12:12     From  xe : intersting... thats  why they interbreed incessantly
00:12:14     From  Tracey Ledebur : i think u r on to something Ged
00:12:17     From  Lisa M Harrison : let it come then share
00:12:31     From  Gedster : kk
00:12:36     From  Cami Mapley : it keeps a loop of time going
00:12:50     From  Maurice Demers : I had that conversation with a guy just today, about how history is written by the victors and is always with an agenda to put forth.  Of course this was news to him and I could not go really deeply into it as he at first questioned even that little thing. 
00:12:54     From  Tracey Ledebur : with all the genetics work being done nowadays, it could explain lots
00:12:56     From  Barbara Karnes : Agree Dani. I just leanred today that the US had 8 Presidents B4 Washington. Heard the singer Prince say it on Travis Smiley and them confirmed via Google search. See here: http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2014/07/u-s-presidents-george-washington/
00:12:58     From  xe : creative power=diverse genetjcs?
00:13:43     From  Gedster : Makes sense Xe
00:14:03     From  Maurice Demers : In historical writings it is referred to as "revisionist history".
00:14:34     From  Jeff Gates : where has art moved on from contempory?  are we stuck at contrempory?
00:14:44     From  Sheila Corona : Yes
00:14:45     From  Gedster : Blood+words = Spells to alter timelines
00:14:58     From  Sheila Corona : there have been something like 17 figures
00:15:04     From  Sheila Corona : like that
00:15:14     From  Barbara Karnes : yeah lisa - all of them use that story
00:15:26     From  Sheila Corona : Budda, Mithra, Osirus, Odin
00:15:28     From  Sheila Corona : etc
00:15:35     From  Sheila Corona : Jesus
00:15:41     From  dee danielle : what barbara- 8 presidents before washinton?!?
00:15:48     From  Maurice Demers : One commonality in all of those stories, Lisa, and that is "savior meme".
00:15:53     From  Joseph Bryan-Royster : During the Articles of Confederation peeriod... "President of the United States in Congress Assembled" was the title of that office held before 1787 Constitution was ratified...
00:16:00     From  Mia : All based on astrotheology, I gather
00:16:02     From  Cami Mapley : yes ...
00:16:08     From  Barbara Karnes : Yup
00:16:12     From  Maurice Demers : Yes there were. 
00:16:17     From  xe : neuromelanin has always been a huge mindfu** to me
00:16:19     From  Sheila Corona : Yes Mia
00:16:25     From  Barbara Karnes : I wasn’t taught that either.
00:16:27     From  Joseph Bryan-Royster : Look at the chat, Dani...
00:16:28     From  Jeff Gates : nope
00:16:29     From  Barbara Karnes : We were taught that
00:16:32     From  Barbara Karnes : still teaching that
00:16:47     From  xe : melanated people - genetic diversity
00:16:54     From  xe : multiple timelines
00:16:55     From  Maurice Demers : He was not, Dani.  that Washington stuff is common knowledge, not true information. 
00:17:01     From  Diane : No, there was at least 1 president before him, also, I believe one of them was black.
00:17:20     From  xe : apparently lincoln was half black according to certain scholars
00:17:29     From  Willo Withywindle : I knew that.
00:17:46     From  Maurice Demers : I have heard heard that decades ago as no cares, nowadays. 
00:17:47     From  I_AM Shimalaii : How did you know that, Willo?
00:17:56     From  Gedster : 8 presidents. In which timeline? Mandella??
00:18:07     From  Willo Withywindle : I have he

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