Was very excited to find lots of carrot shoots this morning as well as some fresh snowpea shoots...

Not the most exciting pics I know but made me smile...

They look heaps better if you click on them....
; )»

Hopefully we will get some joy from these Snowpeas  even though it will be getting a bit warm for them soon... The seedlings we bought just dont appear to be growing that well.... These are seeds we saved from last year & know that they are great producers......

The Chooks have been restricted to their Pen & just under the Mango tree until we can repair some of the damage they have done to the lawn..

Doesnt take long for them to turn the soil & digg new holes searching for grubs & worms....

Have ½ finished the Pumpkin bed... Just need to get some soil tomorrow, mix it with out Chook compost,  add some worms then we can plant it out...

Have been a tad grumpy lately but little things like this From our Koo tend to make me smile....
Some sun for Dads Garden....

 Have a great one all....

: )»

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