Thought I would just put up some Pictures of our first garden that we put in when we bought this house.
We did have an awesome potted Veggie garden at the last rental we had which we put down to using Wetpots and Worm castings. Unfortunately We  lost our supply of cheap worm castings not long after buying here.  As a result the plants never did as well and we gave up gardening for about 4 years.  : (»

       Large Wetpot Enveloped by roots.     Inground, Small & Large Wetpots.
The system was feed water from the above Garbage Bin reservoir.  The Wetpots kept the plants going but due to our lack of knowledge and the before mentioned  loss of our worm casting supply, the plants just never preformed that well.
Knowing what we do now, I think we could give it a good shot and replicate our first results if we gardened in pots with Wetpots again.
  Wetpot watering system can be purchased through
Please note, Im not affiliated with Productive Gardens or Wetpots in any way, just think theyre an awesome way to irrigate your potted veggie patch.

Have a great One.

: )»

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