Its definitely becoming a very interesting week my friends.... Very interesting indeed. There is a lot going on, all over, but THIS piece is one of the most important to watch. First we start with yesterdays news.

First off, this video is VITAL to watch.  THIS is NOTICE.

From my facebook post:

EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH THIS VIDEO!!!!! This is VITALLY important. For those that are REFUSING to look at what is REALLY happening right now in this world- you NEED to watch this video. Putin is speaking to American reporters after the UN summit- yet not a single American news agency aired or even reported on this conference. Putin is giving NOTICE. The US is being given NOTICE. In Syria you have Russia, Iran, Iraq and now China landing troops and working together to wipe out ISIS.... which, as Putin states: was CREATED BY THE US. ARMED BY THE US. and PAID BY THE US.
Reports are now coming out that during the "stampede" an Hajj in Mecca last week, Israeli Mossad agents took out several Iranian high up government people who were IN Mecca for Hajj on Eid.

Take note of this statement:

Then Todays big announcement:

Russian parliament unanimously approves use of military in Syria to fight ISIS

Ivanov stressed that no ground operations are planned in Syria. Russia would use its warplanes to hit terrorist targets when requested by the Syrian government. He stressed that unlike the US-led coalition of countries that bombs militant troops in Syria, Russia was invited to do so by the legal authorities of Syria and thus follows international law.
“The military goal of the operation is strictly to provide air support for the [Syrian] government forces in their fight against Islamic State,” he said.

...The developement comes after Moscow has intensified involvement in Syria, establishing an Iraqi-based military communications center with Damascus, Baghdad and Tehran.
It also happened just days after President Putin called for an international anti-terrorist effort in Syria that would include the government of President Assad at the UN General Assembly. Western nations have been seeking to oust Assad since 2011, but several key nations such as Germany, France, Britain and the US have confirmed they would not be opposed to Assad staying in power for a transitional period, which would include defeating the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorist group.

Russian Jets Carry Out 20 Sorties Against ISIL Targets in Syria

Spokesman of the Russian Defense Ministry Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said that the Russian planes did not target civilian facilities or their vicinity in Syria.

SU-24 bombers
© Sputnik/ Igor Zarembo
Russias Anti-ISIL Airstrikes Increase Chances of Destroying Terrorists
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russian military jets deployed in Syria on Wednesday carried out some 20 combat missions striking at least eight ISIL targets located in mountainous regions, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
"As a result of airstrikes ammunition and fuel depots, heavy military hardware, as well as command posts in the mountainous areas have been destroyed," spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said in a statement.
Konashenkov added that all sorties were carried out after thorough reconnaissance and close coordination with the Syrian army.

Caught On Tape: Dramatic Footage Of Russias First Airstrikes In Syria

Tyler Durdens picture

As we reported earlier this morning, at the “request” (whatever that means in the context of Russian politics) of Vladimir Putin, Russian lawmakers have approved airstrikes in Syria and unlike the rather deliberate pace of Washington’s efforts to rout ISIS, Moscow doesn’t appear to be wasting any time.
As CNN reports, Russia has conducted its first strikes near Homs after effectively warning the US to stay out of the sky.
Russia has conducted its first airstrike in Syria, near the city of Homs, a senior U.S. official told CNN on Wednesday .

The Russians told the United States that it should not fly U.S. warplanes in Syria, but gave no geographical information about where Russia planned to strike. The senior official said U.S. missions are continuing as normal.
Yes, the “US missions are continuing as normal”, which means no one is doing much of anything and some CIA-trained proxy fighters are being pick-up-truck-jacked somewhere by al-Qaeda.
In any event, here are the visuals which purport to show Russia’s first strikes on anti-regime targets... (go the the main link for videos)

And the Pentagon is already out trying to stir up the controversy (again via CNN):
But a senior U.S. administration official told CNNs Elise Labott the Russian airstrike near the city of Homs "has no strategic purpose" in terms of combating ISIS, which "shows they are not there to go after ISIL." ISIL is another acronym for ISIS.

Propaganda War Begins: Russias Syria Strikes Targeted US-Backed "Moderate" Rebels, West Says

With the US having officially lost control of the narrative in Syria now that The Kremlin has called Washington’s bluff on the battle to eradicate ISIS and eliminate the Sunni extremist elements that threaten to wrest control of Syria from President Bashar al-Assad, the only remaining question after Russian lawmakers officially cleared the way for airstrikes was how long it would be before the Western media began shouting about Russian warplanes bombing targets that aren’t affiliated with ISIS.
As we reported earlier today, Moscow wasted no time in launching its first round of air raids.

In turn, the West wasted no time in contending that Russia is targeting areas that aren’t known to be strategically significant for ISIS. Here’s a look at two headlines which do a nice job of summarizing all of the rhetoric which you’re about to hear emanating ceaselessly from every corner of the Western world in the coming days and weeks:
And here’s WSJ with a sneak peek at the new narrative which Washington will be working hard to refine:

...The official Syrian Arab News Agency reported Wednesday that Russian airstrikes hit areas under Islamic State control in Homs and Hama provinces, including the cities of Al Rastan and Talbiseh, near the town of Salamiyah, and the villages of al-Za’faran, al-Humr Hills, Eidoun, Salamiyah and Deir Fol. The strikes had successfully targeted Islamic State, SANA said, without elaborating.

But with the exception of the area east of the town of Salamiyah in Hama province, none of the areas listed by the Syrian regime have a known presence of Islamic State fighters. They are largely dominated by relatively moderate rebel factions and Islamist groups like Ahrar al-Sham and the al Qaeda affiliate the Nusra Front.
 ...Yes, “relatively moderate rebel factions like al-Qaeda" (check the above, WSJ actually said that) which in July kidnapped the commander and deputy commander of the Pentagon’s ragtag group of US-trained rebels that was supposed to number in the thousands by now but has been reduced to just “four or five” men and which was humiliated last Friday when the remaining fighters were forced to surrender their pickup trucks and ammo to al-Nusra in order to “secure safe passage” to who knows where.
Considering that, and considering the "solid" relationship the US has always maintained with al-Qaeda, it sure would be a shame if a few al-Nusra operatives wound up as collateral damage in Russia’s air campaign.
Then theres The Telegraph with an epic attempt to spin the news with a single headline: "Putin defies West as Russia bomb Syrian rebel targets instead of Isil".
Meanwhile, France - who recently went full-propaganda by using “self defense” to justify its newly launched Syrian bombing campaign - is out expressing its consternation about which groups Russia is bombing. . Via Reuters:...

...There are two things to note here. First, there isnt anything "curious" about this and Vladimir Putin has made no secret of his intent to keep the Assad regime from falling. Indeed, its not clear what else Putin could do besides invite Charlie Rose for a two hour interview and explain three separate times that Moscow intends to support Assad. Second, Germanys suggestion that Russia is "slamming shut all the doors to cooperation" is ridiculous to the point of absurdity. As the events that have unfolded over the past several weeks have made abundantly clear, it is the West that has slammed the door shut on Russia when it comes to cooperating to fight ISIS and the reason for Washingtons trepidation stems directly from i) wanting to oust Assad at all costs even if it means allowing the extremists operating in Syria to remain active until the regime falls, and ii) the fact that no matter what line The White House trots out to the public, the US views the Russia-Iran "nexus" as far more dangerous to Americas geopolitical ambitions than ISIS and therefore, allying with Washingtons two fiercest foreign policy critics simply isnt an option even if such an alliance would swiftly eradicate Islamic State. ....
....The bottom line going forward is that the US and its regional and European allies are going to have to decide whether they want to be on the right side of history here or not, and as weve been careful to explain, no one is arguing that Bashar al-Assad is the most benevolent leader in the history of statecraft but it has now gotten to the point where Western media outlets are describing al-Qaeda as "moderate" in a last ditch effort to explain away Washingtons unwillingness to join Russia in stabilizing Syria. This is a foreign policy mistake of epic proportions on the part of the US and the sooner the West concedes that and moves to correct it by admitting that none of the groups the CIA, the Pentagon, and Washingtons Mid-East allies have trained and supported represent a viable alternative to the Assad regime, the sooner Syria will cease to be the chessboard du jour for a global proxy war thats left hundreds of thousands of innocent people dead.

 Lest we forget What the US ex CIA Petraeus said just a couple of weeks ago:

Ex-CIA chief David Petraeus pitches plan to use al Qaeda in battle against ISIS

America’s best weapon in the fight against ISIS may be its greatest foe — al Qaeda, according to ex-CIA head David Petraeus.....
...Petraeus believes the U.S. could have success dealing with less extreme members of al Nusra — namely those who joined the group to help it depose Syria’s president Bashar al Assad.

Which, of course brought out this reaction from the American Military:

AND that was followed by this announcement by the Pentagon Sept 27, 2015:

US-trained Syrian rebels gave weapons to al Qaeda, Pentagon admits

Getty Images
Syrian rebels trained and armed by the United States gave at least a quarter of their weapons cache to al Qaeda affiliates in Syria earlier this week, U.S. Central Command acknowledged Friday.
Syrian fighters voluntarily handed over equipment, including six pickup trucks and ammunition, to al Qaeda’s Syria arm, Jabhat al Nursa, according to a statement.
The admission comes days after Pentagon officials dismissed such reports as propaganda and said they had no evidence that U.S.-trained rebels had defected with their weapons.
The disclosure is the latest calling into question the efficacy of a $500 million arm-and-train program to aid Syrian rebels, which head of Centcom Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III said recently had only trained “four or five” fighters in the war-torn state. The military said approximately 70 fighters have been added since the initial estimate.Centcom spokesman Col. Patrick Ryder called the weapons handover “very concerning and a violation of the Syria train and equip program guidelines.”

Soooooo.... Petraeus gave the public NOTICE in August that the US would "use" AlQaeda to fight ISIS... and Assad.  Followed by less than a month later the Pentagon verifying that, yep, American weapons, ammo and vehicles ended up in AlQaedas hands.  ....

.... so lets read what happened today in Syria over again:

The official Syrian Arab News Agency reported Wednesday that Russian airstrikes hit areas under Islamic State control in Homs and Hama provinces, including the cities of Al Rastan and Talbiseh, near the town of Salamiyah, and the villages of al-Za’faran, al-Humr Hills, Eidoun, Salamiyah and Deir Fol. The strikes had successfully targeted Islamic State, SANA said, without elaborating.

But with the exception of the area east of the town of Salamiyah in Hama province, none of the areas listed by the Syrian regime have a known presence of Islamic State fighters. They are largely dominated by relatively moderate rebel factions and Islamist groups like Ahrar al-Sham and the al Qaeda affiliate the Nusra Front.

Now THIS IS NOTICE!!!!   Russia just hit those forces that the US is ACTIVELY supporting- with weapons, vehicles AND Money.  THIS is MAJOR.   Russia is working with Iran, Iraq to coordinate intel etc.... and China has a nice big boat sitting there in the harbor in Syria too.   What are they doing?  Dealing with the "terrorists".

... how do you kill a snake?  Cut off its head.

Keep your eyes open my friends.  Things this week are getting more interesting by the hour.

love d

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